Platonov 2018 Anton Chekhov’s unfinished early play is transfigured into a hilarious and moving tale of love and regret in this new Theatre Movement Bazaar adaptation produced by Los Angeles City College Theatre Academy. This new work pulls the source out of late...
Grail Project 2018 Wandering knights, hopeful kings, sensual maidens and mystical magicians are given a contemporary voice in this woven tapestry of original text, song, dance, humour and unique physicality. Theatre Movement Bazaar assembles its ultra-modern...
Model Behavior 2016 In this collision of dance, theatre, and song, TMB creates an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s iconic story, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. TEAM Director/Choreographer – Tina Kronis Text by...
Big Shot 2015 Theatre Movement Bazaar’s BIG SHOT is a vaudevillian theatrical collage inspired by The Godfather films and novel. TMB shakes down this iconic story to create a new work, echoing the source and investigating family dynamics, power, criminal...
Poker Night Blues 2014 POKER NIGHT BLUES is a cross-cultural theatrical fusion. This new dance theatre parody combines the energies and talents of the TMB and Chinese based Beijing TinHouse Productions. The highly stylized POKER NIGHT BLUES merges theatrical...
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